Friday, February 28, 2014

The land in Himara belongs to the people of Himara! Land and property registration NOW!

    2. Petition by
      Himarë, Albania
Ky eshte peticioni i popullit te Himares, pa dallim etnien e bidje politike, i cili ndien se po i mohoen te drejtat e tij kushtetuese mbi pronen.
Qe prej vitit 1956, me heqjen e pronesise mbi token nga sistemi komunist i koperativave bujqesore, populli i Himares nuk gezon tituj pronesie per token bujqesore, truallin, shtepi dhe bizneset dhe as per pronat komunale si kullota, pyje e plazhe.
Qe prej vitit 1991 kur u votua ligji 7501 me te cilin jane rindare tokat bujqesore, ndersa ne te gjithe Shqiperine u shperndane tituj te rregullt pronesie per tokat, trojet e shtepit, ne krahinen e Himares nuk eshte bere asnje rregjistrim i pronave ne Zyren e Rregjistrimit te Pasurise se Paluajtshme.
Qe prej viti 2007, eshte ndaluar cdo rregjistrim i pronave ne krahinen e Himare me nje urdher te brendshem te qeverise i cili ndalon rregjistrimin e pronave ne favor te popullit Himariot edhe nese ka nje vendim gjykate qe e detyron rregjistrimin.
Siperfaqe te medha tokash ne pronesi te Kishes ose Bashkise rezultojne te lira pasi ato nuk jane rregjistruar ne rregjistrin e pasurive te paluajtshme dhe si te tilla ato i kane kaluar fondit te tokave qe do te perdoren per kompesimin e ish-pranareve te shpronesuar gjate komunizmit ne Tirana, Fier, Berat e krahina te tjera te Shqiperise pamvaresishte se ato ne fakt nuk jane prona pa zot.
Cuditerishte gjate gjithe kesaj periudhe, individ, grupe dhe subjekte me influece ne politike perfshire dhe kapitale me origjine veprimtarie kriminale arijne te rregjistrojne  ne ZRRPP toka, troje dhe prona komunale (nga disa metra katror deri ne 108 hektar kullot ne nje rast per llogari te njeriut me te pasur ne Shqiperi) duke anashkaluar pengesat qe hasin Himariotet per rregjistrimin e pronave te tyre ne ZRPP.
Cdo dite qe kalon, me qindra e mijra Himariot nuk mund te trashegojne pronat e prinderve te tyre sepse ato nuk jane te rregjistruara.
Himariotet te cilet ndertojne shtepi apo biznese ne tokat e tyre, ndeshkohen me prishje masive te objekteve te tyre nga Policia Ndertimore sepse nuk mund te nxjerin leje ndertimi pasi nuk kane aktin e pronesise mbi token te cilen e posedojne ligjerishte.
Nese dhe TI mendon se kjo padrejtesi qe po i behet popullit Himariot duhet te ndaloj,
Nese mendon se ka ardhur koha qe populli Himariot duhet te gezoj te drejten e tij Kushtetuese te prones e cila po i mohet prej mbi 50 vjetesh.
Nese mendon se Shteti Shqiptar ka detyrimin te njohe si pronar te ligjshem te Himares popullin Himariot kudo qe ndodhet ne Shqiperi ose ne emigracion ne Greqi, ne Angli, Ne Gjermani ose ne USA, e kudo.
Me respekt dhe besim ne parimet demokratike qe udheheqin Keshillin e Evropes si perfaqesues i parimeve dhe idealeve te Popujve te Evropes dhe te vetedijshem per fuqine e ketij Instuticioni.
Firmos tani kete peticion drejtuar Keshillit te Evropes, per rregjistrimin e pronave te Himares ne emer te pronarit te vetem te ligjshem: POPULLIT TE HIMARES.

This is the petition of the people of Himare, regardless ethnic or political views, who feels that their constitutional rights over land and real estate ownership are being denied.
Since 1956, with the abolition of land ownership by the communist agricultural cooperative's system, the people of Himara do not enjoy property ownership titles of agricultural land, homes and businesses and even on municipal property such as pastures, forests and beaches.
Since 1991 when the 7501 law was voted in the parliament, through which agricultural lands was redrawn, while throughout Albania regular ownership titles were given for farming land, territories and homes, in the region of Himara: the registration of properties in the Real Estate Registration Office, never took place.
Since 2007, any registration of properties in the region of Himara is banned with a government internal order which prohibits the registration of the property in favour of the people of Himara even if there is a court order that compels registration.
Large areas of land owned by the church or municipality are declared free of ownership as they are not registered in the register of real estate and as such they have passed to the land fund to be used for compensation of former owners expropriated during the communism in Tirana, Fier, Berat and other regions of Albania despite the fact that this belong to the Church or to the Municipality.
During all this period , individuals , groups and entities with political influences and with capitals sometimes comming of criminal activity origin register land, territories and municipal property ( from a few square meters up to 108 hectares as in a case on behalf of the richest men in Albania) bypassing obstacles which Himara's people cannot overcome for registering their properties.
Every day that passes, hundreds of thousands of Himariots cannot inherit their parents' property because these properties are not registered.
Inhabitants of Himara that did build homes or businesses in their property, are being punished with massive destruction of their buildings by the Construction Police because they could not issue any building permit since they don’t have the act of ownership of the land which they own since generations.
If you think that this injustice, done to the people of Himara should stop,
If you think it is time that the people Himara should enjoy this constitutional right to property which is been denied to them since over 50 years.
If you think that the Albanian government has the obligation to recognize as lawful owner of Himara, the people of Himara, wherever they live in Albania, in Greece, in England, in Germany, in USA, ect:
With respect and faith in the democratic principles governing the Council of Europe as a representative of this principles and ideals of the peoples of Europe and aware of the power of this Institution:
Signe now this petition to the European Councile, for the registration of properties  to the only and single eligible owner: the PEOPLE of Himara.
European Council
The land in Himara belongs to the people of Himara! Land and property registration NOW!
[Your name]

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