Saturday, December 09, 2006

Recearch about Macedonia

Note: in this communication are included:
a) un article in Albanian language of Koco Danaj. After the ilirisation of the Epir now he is occupied to change the slaves to Macedon’s
b) The world bibliography about MACEDONIA

Edhe Maqedonia ka të drejtë të jetë natyrale
Nga Koço Danaj
Duke argumentuar domosdoshmërinë e Shqipërisë natyrale si një proces progresist dhe i pakthyeshëm, në librin “Shqipëria natyrale” kam theksuar edhe të drejtën e fqinjëve të shqiptarëve për të jetuar në shtete natyrale. Sepse nuk është vetëm Shqipëria një shtet artificial, por e tillë është edhe Maqedonia, Serbia, Mali i Zi apo edhe vetë Greqia.

Shumëkush e ka mirëpritur tezën e mësipërme pasi është njohur me të. Ashtu si disa e kanë kundërshtuar. Është normale një dukuri e tillë në momentin që Ballkani Perëndimor po rikonfigurohet. Se është apo jo Shqipëria një shtet artificial, kjo tashmë nuk habit askënd, as shqiptar, por as të huaj që njeh sadopak Ballkanin. Nuk ka më artificial se sa kombi që ka fqinj veten e tij. Dhe këta janë shqiptarët.

Por përsëri askush nuk habitet që ata kanë arritur ndërgjegjen politike të Shqipërisë natyrale. Do të mjaftonte vetëm analiza e festimeve të 28 Nëntorit që nga Presheva, në Tuz, në Shkup e deri në Vlore për të argumentuar pohimin e sipërthënë. Por një gjë e tillë ndodh dhe do të ndodhë më shumë në të ardhmen edhe me Maqedoninë e Vardarit që dikush e konsideron FYROM dhe dikush thjesht Maqedoni.

Ajo është një shtet artificial. Dhe më shumë mbahet në këmbë nga toleranca e tejskajshme e shqiptarëve. Bashkimi gradual, por i pandërprerë i tyre në Shqipërinë natyrale, do ta bëjë më urgjente edhe kërkesën e maqedonasve për të krijuar Maqedoninë natyrale, një pjesë e së cilës ndodhet në Greqi, ndërsa një pjesë në Bullgari.

Shumëkush e di se në Ballkan ekzistojnë tre rajone me emrin Maqedoni. Ata kanë të ndryshëm vetëm mbiemrin cilësor. Njëra është Maqedonia me cilësorin e Pirinit. Ajo ndodhet në Bullgari. Tjetra është Maqedonia me cilësorin e Egjeut që ndodhet në Greqi. Dhe e fundit është Maqedonia e Vardarit që ndodhet në shtetin e quajtur FYROM, mbi 30 për qind të së cilës janë pjesë të Shqipërisë natyrale.

Çfarë ndodh? Për të mos hapur probleme me Bullgarinë dhe Greqinë është preferuar që FYROM të marrë nga pjesët e saj në Greqi dhe Bullgari vetëm historinë, por të mos kërkojë të sotmen dhe veçanërisht të nesërmen. Le të bëhemi më konkretë: Dy nga figurat më të shquara të kombit maqedonas janë Goce Delcevi dhe Jane Sandanski. Shkupi zyrtar ata i konsideron me të drejtë si kuintesencën e krenarisë kombëtare të maqedonasve.

Delcevi është me origjinë nga pjesa e Maqedonisë që ndodhet në Greqi. Ai ka lindur në Kokushi afër Selanikut. Është i biri i Nikollës dhe Sulltanes. Ndërsa Jane Sandanski është nga Pirini që ndodhet në Bullgari. Ai është konsideruar si car i Pirinit. Sot në Bullgari në pjesën e Maqedonisë së Pirinit, ndodhet një qytet turistik me emrin e tij Sandansk. Domethënia është e qartë: Po të jap historinë e shkuar, por mos kërko realitetin e sotëm.

Çfarë ndodh? Greqia duke shfrytëzuar avantazhin e të qenit në BE dhe NATO nuk i njeh as emrin pjesës së mbetur nga Maqedonia natyrale. Sepse nuk dëshiron që të mbahet gjallë artificialiteti. Sepse nuk dëshiron një Maqedoni natyrale. Por Greqia shkon edhe më tej: Ajo nuk njeh asnjë pakicë maqedonase në shtetin e saj

Çfarë ndodh? Bullgaria duke shfrytëzuar anëtarësimin në BE ka filluar të përdorë mekanizmin e dyshtetësisë ndaj maqedonasve të Shkupit. Ajo deri më tani nga 34 mijë kërkesa për shtetësi bullgari ka dhënë mbi 10 mijë të tilla. Sofja zyrtare nuk pranoi të njohë një parti politike maqedonase në Bullgari.

Pas kërkeses së Brukselit u bë e mundur një gjë e tillë. Dukuritë e mësipërme janë të mjaftushme për pohimin e sipërthënë se Maqedonia është një shtet artificial dhe se ka të drejtë të bëhet natyral duke kërkuar nga Greqia dhe Bullgaria pjesët përbërëse të saj. Por nuk ka të drejtë askush nga politikanët e Maqedonisë së Vardarit që ta kompensojnë artificialitetin dhe inferioritetin e tyre me shqiptarët. Kështu ka ndodhur deri në mesin e viteve 90 të shekullit të kaluar.

Por duket se nuk mund të ndodhë në të ardhmen. Duket se shqiptarët janë të vendosur të krijojnë Shqipërinë natyrale. Duket se ata janë të vendosur ta bëjnë këtë në emër të stabilitetit të Ballkanit, të shndërrimit të tij nga fuci baruti siç thuhej dikur, në oaz paqeje siç do të thuhet nesër. Duket se ata janë të vendosur ta bëjnë këtë me mjete demokratike dhe me të drejtën natyrale që e ka secili komb mbi këtë tokë. Duket se shqiptarët kanë mësuar të gjejnë dhe t’i mbajnë aleatët e tyre.

Në këtë proces progresist dhe europerëndimor, shqiptarët që jetojnë artificialisht në shtetin e Maqedonisë së Vardarit, kanë filluar të kërkojnë me mjete demokratike të bashkohen në Shqipërinë natyrale.

Disa politikanë shqiptarë në Tetovë, të cilët nuk duan të marrin përsipër përgjegjësi apo që konsiderojnë atdhe varret e të parëve të tyre, nuk mund ta pengojnë procesin e pakthyeshëm të Shqipërisë natyrale. Me këtë veprim të tyre, ata, shqiptarët do ta ndihmojnë edhe Maqedoninë e Vardarit e politikanët e saj që të kërkojnë Maqedoninë natyrale e cila ka tre pjesë: Maqedoninë e Egjeut në Greqi, të Pirinit në Bullgari dhe të Vardarit.

Pohimet se të gjithë do të bashkohemi një ditë në Evropën e Bashkuar, prandaj nuk na duhen këto lloj natyralitetesh, janë kundërprogresive. Siç është kundërprogresive vetë artificialiteti. Ato frenojnë zhvillimin. Bashkimi Evropian nuk pranon në gjirin e tij banorë me ndërgjegjen e tribuve. Por qytetarë me ndërgjegjen e kombeve.

E Marte 5 dhjetor 2006 (Koha jone)


1."The Macedonian people and their kings were of Greek stock, as their traditions and the scanty remains of their language combine to testify."

[John Bagnell Bury, "A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great", 2nd ed. (1913)]

2. "That the Macedonians and their kings did in fact speak a dialect of Greek and bore Greek names may be regarded nowadays as certain."

[Malcom Errington, "A History of Macedonia"]

3. "Ancient allegations that the Macedonians were non-Greek all had their origin in Athens at the time of the struggle with Philip II."

[Malcom Errington, "A History of Macedonia"]

4. "What language did these Macedones speak? The name itself is Greek in root and in ethnic termination. It probably means highlanders, and it is comparable to Greek tribal names..."

[N.G.L. Hammond, "The Macedonian State" (1989)]

5. "The toponyms of the Macedonian homeland are the most significant. Nearly all of them are Greek."

[N.G.L. Hammond, "The Macedonian State" (1989)]

6. "And yet if we take into account the political conditions, religion and morals of the Macedonians, our conviction is strengthened that they were a Greek race and akin to the Dorians."

[Ulrich Wilcken, "Alexander the Great", (1967)]

7. "Nowadays historians generally agree that the Macedonians form part of the Greek ethnos; hence they also shared in the common religious and cultural features of the Hellenic world."

[M.Oppermann, "Oxford Classical Dictionary", 3rd ed. (1996), p.905]

8. "Hesiod first mentioned 'Makedon', the eponym of the people and the country, as a son of Zeus, a grandson of Deukalion, and so a first cousin of Aeolus, Dorus, and Xuthus; in other words he considered the 'Makedones' to be an outlying branch of the Greek-speaking tribes, with a distinctive dialect of their own, 'Macedonian'."

[N.G.L.Hammond, "Oxford Classical Dictionary", 3rd ed. (1996), pp.904,905]

9. "The Macedonians were located between the Thracians and the Greeks, inhabiting the fertile plains drained by the Vardar and Struma rivers. From antiquity to the present the question has been debated as to whether these early Macedonians were Greeks or barbarians. The Macedonian rulers claimed to be descendants of Heracles and therefore genuine Greeks, a claim which the orators of the Athenian assembly scoffed at and rejected. The debate has continued to the present day, enlivened by the conflicting claims of modern Balkan states to the Macedonian lands.
Recent philological and archaeological research indicates that the ancient Macedonians were in fact Greeks, whose civilization had not kept up with that of the tribes which had settled further to the south. Their language closely resembled the classical Greek from which it differed no more than one English dialect from another. Various non-Greek peoples apparently had come under the rule of the Macedonian nobles and kings, but these latter definitely were Greeks in language and outlook, and invited Greek men of learning to their courts."

[L.S. Stavrianos, The Balkans since 1453, (2000), p.18]

10. "All in all, the language of the Macedones was a distinct and particular form of Greek, resistant to outside influnces and conservative in pronunciation. It remained so until the fourth century when it was almost totally submerged by the flood tide of standardized Greek."

[Hammond and Griffith, "A History of Macedonia" Vol ii, 550-336 BC.]

11. "In general, however, the Macedonian Slavs differ somewhat both in appearance and character from their neighbours beyond the Bulgarian and Servian frontiers: the peculiar type which they present is probably due to a considerable admixture of Vlach, Hellenic, Albanian and Turkish blood, and to the influence of the surrounding races. Almost all independent authorities,however, agree that the bulk of the Slavonic population of Macedonia is Bulgarian. The principal indication is furnished by the language, which, though resembling Servian in some respects (e.g. the case-endings, which are occasionally retained), presents most of the characteristic features of Bulgarian."

[The 1911 Edition Encyclopedia, found online at:]

12. The racial situation in Macedonia: Greeks and Slavs

"Although in some areas [of Macedonia] the various groups were all inextricably intermingled, it is pertinent to point out that in other sections a given race decidedly predominated. In the southern districts, for instance, and more particularly along the coast, the Greeks, a city people given to trade, had the upper hand, while to the north of them the Slavs, peasants for the most part working the soil, held sway. These Slavs may properly be considered as a special Macedonian group, but since they were closely related to both Bulgars and Serbs and had, moreover, in the past been usually incorporated in either the Bulgar or Serb state, they inevitably became the object of both Bulgar and Serb aspirations and an apple of discord between these rival nationalities. As an oppressed people on an exceedingly primitive level, the Macedonian Slavs had as late as the congress of Berlin exhibited no perceptible national consciousness of their own. It was therefore impossible to foretell in what direction they would lean when their awakening came; in fact, so indeterminate was the situation that under favorable circumstances they might even develop ther own particular Macedonian consciousness."

[Ferdinand Schevill, "A History of the Balkans", p.432]

13. "We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are a Slav people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian."

"There is some confusion about the identity of the people of this country."

[FYROM's Ambassador to Canada, Gyordan Veselinov in an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, 24 February 1999]

14. "We are Slavs who came to this area in the sixth century... we are not descendants of the ancient Macedonians."

[FYROM'S President Mr. Kiro Gligorov, Foreign Information Service Daily Report, Eastern Europe, February 26, 1992, p. 35.]

15. "We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia. The ancient Macedonians no longer exist, they had disappeared from history long time ago. Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century (AD)."

[FYROM'S President Mr. Kiro Gligorov, Toronto Star newspaper, March 15, 1992]

16. "We do not claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great." "We are Slavs and we speak a Slav language."

[FYROM'S Ambassador in Washington, Mrs. Ljubica Acevshka, 22 January 1999]

17. "It should be remembered, to begin with, that there is no Macedonian race, as a distinct type. Macedonians may belong to any of the races of Eastern Europe or Western Asia, as, indeed, they do. A Macedonian Bulgar is just the same as a Bulgar of Bulgaria proper, the old principality, that in October, 1908, at Tirnova, was proclaimed independent of Turkey. He looks the same, talks the same, and very largely, thinks the same way. In short, he is of the same stock. There is no difference, whatsoever, between the two branches of the race, except that the Macedonian Bulgars, as a result of their position under the Turkish government, have less culture and education than their northern brethren."

[Arthur Douglas Howden Smith, "Fighting the Turk in the Balkans: An American's Adventures with the Macedonian Revolutionists", 1908, p. 4-5]

18. "I shall not indulge in a lecture on the ancient identity of the Macedonians and on Philip II of Macedon and Alexander the Great, but the Greeks were historically correct in the campaign that they launched in the early days of the dispute...

"Nor shall I engage in a lecture on the falsification of the history of Slavo-Macedonia since 1944, although that, too, has much hard factual content. I simply remind the House that Tito's renaming of Vardar Banovina as the Republic of Macedonia in 1944 was a political statement. More than that, it was a territorial claim. It laid claim to territory in Greece and in Bulgaria. Notably, the objective was the warm water port of Salonika on the Aegean."

[Mr. Edward O'Hara of the British Parliament]

19. "It is the national identity of these Slav Macedonians that has been the most violently contested aspect of the whole Macedonian dispute, and is still being contested today. There is no doubt that they are southern Slavs; they have a language, or a group of varying dialects, that is grammatically akin to Bulgarian but phonetically in some respects akin to Serbian, and which has certain quite distinctive features of its own."

[Elisabeth Barker, "Macedonia, its place in Balkan power politics",
(originally published in 1950 by the Royal Institute of International Affairs), p.10]

20."In regard to their own national feelings, all that can safely be said is that during the last eighty years many more Slav Macedonians seem to have considered themselves Bulgarian, or closely linked to Bulgaria, than have considered themselves Serbian, or closely linked to Serbia (or Yugoslavia). Only the people of the Skoplje region, in the north west, have ever shown much tendency to regard themselves as Serbs. The feeling of being Macedonians, and nothig but Macedonians, seems to be a sentiment of fairly recent growth, and even today is not very deep-rooted."

[Elisabeth Barker, "Macedonia, its place in Balkan power politics",
(originally published in 1950 by the Royal Institute of International Affairs), p.10]

21."May the heroic Serb people at last find the necessary moral force--and they have it, it dwells within them--to recognize spontaneously what has long and unanimously been recognized by history, science, and the national sentiment of the Macedonian population itself, which sees in the Bulgarians its brothers in language and blood, and which has fought hand in hand with them for religion, life, and liberty."

[N.S. Derzhavin, "Bulgaro-Serb Relations and the Macedonian Question", (1918)]

22. "Cultural autonomy must be granted to Pirin Macedonia within the framework of Bulgaria. Tito has shown himself more flexible than you - possibly because he lives in a multiethnic state and has had to give equal rights to the various peoples. Autonomy will be the first step towards the unification of Macedonia, but in view of the present situation there should be no hurry on this matter. Otherwise, in the eyes of the Macedonian people the whole mission of achieving Macedonian autonomy will remain with Tito and you will get the criticism. You seem to be afraid of Kimon Georgiev, you have involved yourselves too much with him and do not want to give autonomy to Pirin Macedonia. That a Macedonian consciousness has not yet developed among the population is of no account. No such consciousness existed in Byelorussia either when we proclaimed it a Soviet Republic. However, later it was shown that a Byelorussian people did in fact exist."

[Stalin to Bulgarian Delegation (G. Dimitrov, V. Korarov, T. Kostov) on 7 June 1946]

23."The Department has noted with considerable apprehension increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia, emanating principally from Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav Partisan and other sources, with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected state. "This Government considers talk of Macedonian "nation', Macedonian "Fatherland", or Macedonian "national consciousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece"."

[The Secretary of State, Edward Stettinius, to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Officers, U.S. State Department, Foreign Relations Vol. VIII, Circular Airgram (868.014 / 26 Dec. 1944)]

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